IVCC is a Product Development Partnership investing donor funds and know-how in R&D to overcome barriers to innovation in vector control. Vector control, through LLINs and the use of IRS has been instrumental in cutting global malaria mortality rates by half since 2000. The performance of older insecticides is compromised by insecticide resistance, the impact of which is reaching a tipping point. Lack of market incentive for independent commercial development, coupled with the risks associated with public health product development, means that the role of the wider public health community in sustaining the development process is essential.
Since 2008, research-based agrochemical companies have provided access to their chemical libraries, with 4.5 million compounds reviewed for activity against public health vectors. After evaluating 27 classes of chemistry, eight compounds from five chemical classes are in the pre-development stage. Several novel insecticides will be promoted to full development, eventually providing a suite of new tools in the malaria eradication toolbox. A range of repurposed and combination products have also been co-developed with industry partners and are being adopted into country programs. Multiple classes of insecticide with different modes of action will facilitate vector control IRM in line with the WHO Global Plan for Insecticide Resistance Management.
IVCC’s focus includes blocking outdoor transmission of insect-borne disease, with promising new technologies such as Attractive Targeted Sugar Baits already in the product development pipeline. Other critical initiatives to ensure rapid delivery of and access to new tools include GLP certification of African field trial sites and the UNITAID-funded NgenIRS initiative to minimize time to market, optimize coverage and provide evidence for impact of new IRS products. Using the Expert Scientific Advisory Committee model, in partnership with industry and academic IP, has been highly effective for the discovery and development of life-saving novel vector control solutions.