Key words: plasmodium modification, dislocate
Zika, Ebola, Bird Flu, HIV, etc. are today’s murderers. However, malaria is the ancient, todays and futures’ slaughterer. The main measures that are in action to minimize malaria’s distractions can be grouped into 3 options: prompting diagnoses and treatment with anti-malaria drugs; using of insecticidal nets; and indoor-outdoor spraying insecticides to destroy the vector-mosquito.
By such measures the burden of malaria infection decreases, but yet not eradicated. Instead, may appear some genetically modified plasmodium and mosquito itself!
For postulating our new idea on minimizing such dangerous tendencies, since June 2016, through social media, we have conversations with stakeholders: As it is a vector based infection (infected mosquito ↔ being infected person) if couldn’t suck infected blood during its lifespan, mosquito shouldn’t transfer the parasite to a healthy person.
Hence, temporary dislocate the patient from the area, where the mosquito population is high, not only more effective than using only nets, but also gives extra dozen’s advantages. Half of them:
Thus along with other methods of malaria control activities, we should try this new option.
During the presentation, we can show: