Ladda Kajeechiwa
Ladda Kajeechiwa has worked on the Thailand-Myanmar border since 1984 in health-related programs. At first, she worked for Médecins Sans Frontières as laboratory technician then became the head of the laboratory at the Shoklo Malaria Research Unit. She became responsible of the PMTCT project as counsellor and was also involved in the HIV/AIDS awareness campaign in the Karen refugee camps along the border. This involved a lot of community engagement. Later, Ladda became the HR manager at SMRU with a staff of over 400 people. She was also involved in counselling and explaining ethical issues to study participants and to SMRU staff. In 2013, she ran the cohort study of targeted malaria elimination (TME) project conducted by SMRU and supervised the community engagement for Mass Drug Administration. Currently, Ladda is the Field Program manager of the Malaria Elimination Task Force (METF) working in 4 townships (300,000 people) in eastern Myanmar.
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