Vicky Avery
Professor Avery obtained her PhD in 1995 (Flinders University, SA), and was awarded an Australian NHMRC Postdoctoral Fellowship which was undertaken at the University of Adelaide. Prof Avery gained significant industry experience whilst working for Active Biotech AB, Sweden (1998-2004). Her positions included, Section Head, Protein Interaction and Drug Discovery; Scientific Project Leader to identify the molecular target of ‘Laquinimod’, a novel oral treatment for MS; Director, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Director, Business Development. She was responsible for the development of assays for FDA to assess efficacy of a cholera vaccine, and identification of compounds against CD80, which led to RhuDex®, an oral treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis.
As Head of Biology for the AstraZeneca /Griffith University collaboration, she was responsible for more than 50 HTS campaigns conducted between 2004 -2007. These spanned all disease areas and encompassed a diverse range of technologies.
Professor Avery is currently the Chief Investigator & Head of Discovery Biology, and is responsible for setting the broad research directions of the group.
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