Justin Cohen
Dr Justin Cohen is senior director for Global Malaria at the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI). An infectious disease epidemiologist, Dr Cohen oversees CHAI’s support to government partners in 25 countries across Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa, and Southeast Asia to increase funding for malaria, expand access to quality diagnosis and effective treatment, and optimize the impact of national malaria elimination programs.
Dr Cohen is a member of the Swaziland Malaria Elimination Program’s Global Technical Advisory Committee and the Malaria Elimination Group, and serves on the steering committees for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Malaria Modeling Consortium and Haiti’s Malaria Zero Consortium. Dr Cohen has helped lead assessments of the technical, operational, and financial feasibility of achieving and maintaining elimination in Zanzibar and Hispaniola.
Dr Cohen earned a Doctor of Philosophy in Epidemiological Science and master’s of Public Health in International Health from the University of Michigan; he also studied Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology at Yale University.
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